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WNIFE alloy is an important tungsten-based heavy alloy. They are alloys made of nickel, iron and other metals added to tungsten.The ratio of nickel to iron added is usually 7:3.This kind of alloy is widely used and has become the main tungsten-based heavy alloy with the largest amount.-W-Ni-Fe alloy 

90 % W, 7% Ni, 3% Fe
92.5 % W, 5.25 % Ni, 2.25% Fe
95 % W, 3.5%, Ni, 1.5% Fe
97% W, 2.1% Ni, .9% Fe


Features :

Tungsten Ni-Fe alloy is characterized by high sintering density, has good strength and plasticity and ferromagnetism. Good thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, excellent absorption ability to γ-ray or x-ray.


1. High proportion: General specific gravity is 16.5-18.75g/cm3

2. High strength: Tensile strength is 700-1000mpa

3. Strong ability to absorb rays: Lead ratio 30-40%

4. Large thermal conductivity: The thermal conductivity of tungsten alloy is 5 times that of steel.

5. Small coefficient of thermal expansion: Only 1 / 2 - 1 / 3 of iron or steel

This kind of alloy is widely used and has become the main tungsten-based heavy alloy with the largest amount.It is characterized by high sintering density, good strength and plasticity, and certain ferromagnetism.Alloy as a general application, such as counterweight, balance hammer, radiation shielding device, and so on, are directly using sintered alloy;However, for applications requiring high mechanical properties, alloys need to be deformed and heat treated for strengthening.

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